Emails issues - failure notifications for Gmail addresses

If you are using a email address to send emails on your webstore (such as order confirmation, abandoned cart, order processed emails) and started receiving such notifications:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

The reason you are receiving these emails is because you are using a email address. 

Unfortunately, we cannot send emails on your behalf from personal emails like Gmail, and Gmail can reject our emails as well. It appears that Google has recently tightened up their policy and this prevents us from sending emails on customer's behalf.

We also cannot set up SPF (Sender Protection Framework) records for Gmail addresses, which ensures proper email delivery to customers. You can read more about SPF records here: Emails issues - SPF Records | WebSell

To resolve this issue, we strongly recommend to set up an alternative mail with a different mail provider. You can easily create a business email address with Outlook, GoDaddy, or with your domain provider if they offer business email services.

Business email with Outlook:
Business email with GoDaddy:

If you decide to sign up with a new email service, it will be straightforward to allow our servers to send emails on your behalf, as the only thing you need to do is configure an SPF record for your new email address, as per the article above.

If you are still experiencing any problems with your emails after following the steps described in this article, please contact WebSell Support by opening a ticket in the portal.