Popular Articles

  1. PAM stuck in lite mode - restoring PAM professional edition

    Sometimes during software installation the PAM version may change from Professional Edition to Lite Edition. Usually PAM Lite appears when the program cannot connect or synchronize with the database. There are a few steps you can follow in order...
  2. Setting up gift cards on a WebStore

    Payment Gateway Gift Cards Some payment gateways enable customers to purchase gift cards (vouchers) that can later be redeemed against Webstore purchases. To see the full list of supported payment gateway gift cards, please go to your Webstor...
  3. Managing users

    You can add users to your webstore portal and edit their permissions to determine what level of access they have. Adding users Steps: Go to the retailer profile page for your business. Scroll down to the Portal Users section and clic...
  4. Product Attribute Manager - working with attributes in PAM

    Product Attribute Manager (PAM) enables you to edit both built-in POS attributes and additional, WebStore-specific attributes. These additional attributes enable you to associate extra information with your products, such as: Brand ...
  5. Surcharge at checkout

    WebSell is able to offer a new functionality at the checkout that allows you to charge shoppers extra because they have added something special to their basket. A possible scenario example is that you want to charge an extra for handling tickets...
  6. Marking webstore items as not available for sale

    To mark a Webstore item as not available for sale on the Web (that is, that the customer should call for item availability), perform the following steps: In WebSell PAM , select Attributes , then  "Add New Attribute" . Specify a new PAM attri...
  7. Setting minimum/maximum purchase quantity

    This option allows you to set a minimum and maximum quantity of a specific product bought in a single order. NOTE: This is different to selling in multiples! This option has certain dependencies. The webstore must use drop down menus for qu...
  8. Non-inventory item type

    Non-inventory (services/labor) items won’t show up on the website unless you implement a Spoof Stock feature to manage such products. Spoof Stock  "Spoofs"  (that is, fakes) the stock level for such items as non-inventory items. To achiev...
  9. Setting up PAM keywords to improve SEO

    PAM_Keywords is an attribute which enables you to specify extra words to improve your customers’ search results. The words you add for particular products will get embedded in the product page’s HTML, and will improve SEO as well as allow your custo...
  10. How to hide a product on your webstore

    How to hide a product on your webstore