Non-inventory (services/labor) items won’t show up on the website unless you implement a Spoof Stock feature to manage such products.
Spoof Stock
"Spoofs" (that is, fakes) the stock level for such items as non-inventory items.
To achieve it, you will need to add a PAM field, so you can mark which items it would apply to and a set value would be displayed on the store.
By using an attribute in PAM, the stock will be 0 for non inventory in DB, but you will be able to fake it on the website by using this attribute.
Set Up of the Spoof Stock feature
- In WebSell PAM, select Attributes, then Add New Attribute.
- For Attribute Name, specify SpoofWebStock. For Type, select Checkbox(true/false).
- Click OK. The newly added field is now displayed as a new column in PAM.
- Enter true in the SpoofWebStock column for each item that you want to show as in stock (even though it's not actually in stock).
In WebSell Sync, add a new field mapping, as follows:
- In Websell Sync Configuration, under Advanced, select Field Mappings.
- Expand the Item table, right-click the product_stock field, then select Properties.
- For Field Source, specify the following:
CASE WHEN SpoofWebStock = 1 THEN 10 ELSE quantity-quantitycommitted END
CASE WHEN SpoofWebStock > 0 THEN SpoofWebStockELSE (In_Stock - UnProcessedQuantity)END |
4. Click Validate, then OK, then re-synchronize your WebStore.
Your WebStore now displays non-inventory items with the PAM attribute SpoofWebStock set to true.