New Articles

  1. FedEx Setup

    FedEx is a leading name in global shipping and logistics, renowned for its reliable and fast delivery services. They offers a comprehensive range of shipping solutions, including express, freight, ground and international. FedEx provides a Ra...
  2. Managing users

    You can add users to your webstore portal and edit their permissions to determine what level of access they have. Adding users Steps: Go to the retailer profile page for your business. Scroll down to the Portal Users section and clic...
  3. Logging in to WebSell

    You can log in to your WebSell account using your internet browser on a desktop or mobile device. If you've logged in to your store on the same device before, then you may already be logged in. Steps: Desktop Go to the WebSell login p...
  4. Overview

    Discover the essential aspects of WebSell, including its core functionalities, various selling methods, dependable performance, and available support resources. Key features WebSell gives you all the tools and services you need to set up, run...
  5. Product Attribute Manager (PAM)

    WebSell's Product Attribute Manager lets you manage every aspect of your products and determine how they appear on your webstore. In this section Product Attribute Manager and user guide Applying formulas in PAM Managing pick lists i...
  6. SEO

    All things SEO. In this section URL redirects Resolving content duplication issues Page not found error Setting keyword searches to include sub-descriptions Customizing your product titles in the product pages ...
  7. Subscriptions

    Everything you need to know about managing subscriptions. In this section Subscriptions introduction Customer subscriptions Subscription advance emails Subscription templates ...
  8. Updating webstore email addresses

    If you have recently changed your store's email address, you will need to update it on your online store to ensure that emails are sent to customers from the correct email address. Updating the email address in your WebStore Manager In the We...
  9. Emails issues - failure notifications for Gmail addresses

    If you are using a email address to send emails on your webstore (such as order confirmation, abandoned cart, order processed emails) and started receiving such notifications: Hi. This is the qmail-send program at ...
  10. Point of sale

    WebSell is the e-commerce platform powered by your Point of Sale system. These articles are specifically related to Point of Sale systems. In this section Processing a web order using GWO - RMSSO Gift wrapping for RMH stores Removing o...