Popular Articles

  1. Setting up filtered search

    Set up your filtered search to help shoppers find specific products.
  2. Product carousels

    Creating and editing pre-existing carousels.
  3. Coupons and discount codes

    Create and manage store coupons that your shoppers can use on your WebStore.
  4. Google Analytics

    In this feature, you can:  Provide your business with much more accurate visit statistics To access this feature, do the following:  Login to your WebStore Manager. Go to Settings  >  SEO. Google Analytic...
  5. Menu builder

    Creating and editing from pre-existing menus.
  6. Virtual stores

    Create and view physical and virtual stores
  7. Searching your webstore

    Set up search to help shoppers navigate through your WebStore.
  8. Viewing sales reports

    Sales reports enable you to access insights regarding your customers' orders, allowing you to filter data based on various criteria such as timeframes, specific products, or sales channels. Sales and returns Sales reports track the flow o...
  9. Viewing your customer list

    View your customer list to give you an overview of your customer demographic.
  10. Fundraising

    Learn how to set up a charity panel on your checkout.